Spanish Tuition for Groups

Level 4 – Advanced Spanish, 30 hours (2 hours per week)

This course is for those with a fluent level of Spanish who would like to perfect their linguistic abilities. Specialised Spanish vocabulary is introduced and complex grammatical structures are discussed.

A selection of what you will learn on this advanced Spanish course:

• Reading and analysing short articles on current affairs. Learning new Spanish vocabulary in the same connection.

• Oral practice comprises lively debates on interesting and controversial issues.

•The student will develop new ways in which to express his/her opinion and will feel confident to agree or contradict other viewpoints.

• Short pieces of Spanish and Latin American literature are read, analysed and discussed in the lesson. By incorporating these texts into the lessons, the student will be able to gain an insight into the culture and ideology of the Spanish-speaking world.

• Advanced grammatical exercises will be largely dictated by the demands of the student and will aim to clarify and resolve any areas in which the student has particular difficulties.

• Listening material comprising a variety of registers and accents obtained from Spanish and Latin American media sources is used to generate discussions as well as to aid in comprehension.

• Web pages and internet resources from Spanish-speaking sites are regularly accessed and serve as a means to immerse the student in a Spanish ‘virtual' environment.

Assignments are given after each lesson which allow for the work of the student to be monitored and corrected.